High quality literature should be used. For example, there should be a rich plot, memorable theme, etc
The story should be exciting enough to keep the reader’s/listener’s attention
“Read Aloud” quality
Good, descriptive narrations that are not dependent upon illustrations The recording
Sound effects and background music should enhance, rather than detract from the story. Background sound should not interfere with understanding the words
Page turn indicators should be even paced throughout the recording and allow enough of a pause for page turning
The tone of the page turn indicators should be clear and distinct but not too distracting
The emotional, intellectual, and social level of the audience should be considered (for example, length of story, developmental age and chronological age)
The narrator should have a medium to low pitched voice
Standard pronunciation is more appropriate than the use of dialects, unless the story calls for them. When dialects are used, they should not be so strong that it is difficult to discern the meaning
A quality sound/video recording should be used. Use proper equipment in a soundproof area when creating a recording.
Instructions for use should be provided when appropriate
The full citation for the book and the name of the narrator should be included, and it should be easy for the listener to tell whether the recording is abridged or unabridged