History and Overview of the Linda Lucas Walling Collection

The Linda Lucas Walling Collection was established when Dr. Walling retired from University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science. The collection is designed to provide self-instruction on selecting and evaluating materials for universal access and accessibility and modifying materials to increase their accessibility.

The collection currently includes the following:

  1. Materials referenced in Dr. Walling’s Books and Publications
  2. Materials for children and young adults with differing abilities (disabilities);
  3. Materials about children and young adults with differing abilities (disabilities);
  4. Resources for professionals and families;
  5. Dolly Gray Award Winners (http://daddcec.org/Awards/DollyGrayAwards.aspx);
  6. Schneider Family Award Winners (http://www.ala.org/awardsgrants/schneider-family-book-award).
  7. Materials recommended by children, young adults, families, and professionals serving the collection in an advisory capacity. Children and young adults with differing abilities and their families recommend their favorite or most meaningful materials for inclusion.
  8. Materials donated from Dr. Walling’s personal and professional collections due to historical significance or merit.

Please note: The Linda Lucas Walling Collection is not a “best of” collection. As with any library collection, the materials in the Linda Lucas Walling Collection are intended to serve a variety of purposes. Materials should be used with care and should be selected with intended audiences in mind. Some of these titles are good or excellent examples of quality, accessible materials, and others are very poor examples. Materials that are of poor literary quality or materials that may be difficult for populations with identified challenges are included for their educational value to librarians, other educators, professionals, and families who are learning to evaluate materials for quality and accessibility. Please be certain to examine all materials according to the criteria that appear on this page before purchasing or using them.

Materials in the Linda Lucas Walling Collection are materials one might find in any public or school library collection. Libraries do not necessarily need to invest their collection development funds in special formats to meet the needs of children with differing abilities (disabilities). The books and other materials are evaluated for their usefulness with audiences who have challenges as well as particular strengths. Populations who are differently able face challenges, but they also have special abilities or strengths. For example, a child who cannot use his or her arms and legs may have strong linguistic or visual skills. Think of Christy Brown, the gifted artist, author and poet, whose story was told in the book and movie “My Left Foot”. Selecting materials means taking both challenges and abilities into account.